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CLAXTON, Herbert (Lodge)

Gunner 19804
31st Battery 8th Battalion
Launceston, Tasmania
His father Edward Lodge of Mirboo South, Victoria. Not his stepfather.
Age 21 years 7 months, 5'9", 11 stone, blue eyes and brown hair.
Church of England
Farm labourer
He was killed in action 25/9/1917 at Polygon Wood
He is buried in The Huts Cemetery near Ypres Belgium
He is from Mirboo South, Victoria
Herbert Charles Claxton also known as Herbert Charles Noel Lodge
21/10/15 He enlisted
20/5/16 He embarked Melbourne on HMAT Medic
18/7/16 He arrived in Plymouth
30/8/16 He went to France from Southampton
6/1/17 He was transferred to the 31st Battalion
25/9/17 He was killed in action and buried in The Huts Cemetery near Ypres
1922 Mrs. Rowe (nee Claxton) is his sister and last surviving relation. Both his parents are dead; Mr. Lodge of Mirboo South is not his stepfather
She nominates herself as NOK. Her address is 54 Davis St North Carlton
In his will he leaves his estate to his mother Clarisa Louise Lodge of Clarendon Mirboo South signed by him and two soldiers
An A J Sloan wrote regarding Herbert�s money as Mr. Sloan has been drawing on this. He asked if there is a will.
A letter again from the full sister Mrs. Rowe stating that Mr. Edward Lodge has no right to anything that was related to Herbert
The army is confused as he put Lodge as his father and NOK
Mrs. Lodge, his mother, wrote and asked for information including about the will
Mrs Lodge died and there is a dispute over who should receive his medals
His sister Mrs. Rowe, his sister, received his medals
Place of Birth:
Next of Kin:
Date & Place of Enlistment:
Physical Details on Enlistment:
Date & Place of Death:
Location of Grave or Memorial:
Relationship to Woorayl Shire:
Military & Other History:
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