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Leongatha & District
Dumbalk • Inverloch • Koonwarra • Leongatha • Meeniyan • Ruby
Tarwin Lower • Venus Bay • Walkerville

Private 3313
57th Battalion
His father Edward Gallin of Meeniyan, Victoria
Melbourne, VIctoria on 19/7/1915
Age 18 years 2 months, 5'3", 10 stone 4 pounds, grey eyes and black hair
Church of England
Clerk at the Victorian Railways
He was missing in action at Polygon Wood on 29/9/1917 and declared killed in action at a Court of Enquiry
He is remembered on the Menin Gate Memorial
Associated with Meeniyan, Victoria
19/7/15 He enlisted
26/11/15 He embarked Melbourne on HMAT Commonwealth
He started in the 11th Battalion then the 22nd and then the 57th
23/2/16 He was allotted to 57th
4/3/16 He joined the 57th in Egypt at Tel el Kebir
8/3/16 He was admitted to hospital ill
3/4/16 He returned to his unit after a post inoculation visit to hospital
14/4/16 He was in hospital sick
26/4/16 He developed a septic abrasion on his foot
13/5/16 He went to the casualty clearing station with scarlet fever
20/5/16 He rejoined his unit
21/6/16 He embarked Alexandria
30/6/16 He embarked Marseilles
9/12/16 He marched out to the 57th
1/1/17 He was ill in hospital
27/1/17 He went to the 6th or 8th field ambulance and was transferred to a New Zealand hospital at Amiens
29/1/17 He was transferred to ambulance train.
30/1/17 He went to hospital at Boulogne
11/2/17 He was transferred to England
20/2/17 He was in the 1st Southern General Hospital Edgbaston with pneumonia
23/3/17 He was transferred to the 3rd Auxillary Hospital
8/8/11 He went to France to rejoin his unit
31/8/17 He rejoined unit
29/9/17 He was missing in action
3/11/17 He was reported as killed in action
His permission to enlist is signed by both parents very simple note misspelt
A much better letter was sent from his father after information regarding his son's death on page 28 of his file
He had AMP insurance policy and his father wrote requesting a death certificate
A letter was written in December 1918 asking for effects, which have not been received
His father received his scroll on 12/11/21
His name is on the Menin Gate
Place of Birth:
Next of Kin:
Date & Place of Enlistment:
Physical Details on Enlistment:
Date & Place of Death:
Location of Grave or Memorial:
Relationship to Woorayl Shire:
Military & Other History:
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