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Leongatha & District
Dumbalk • Inverloch • Koonwarra • Leongatha • Meeniyan • Ruby
Tarwin Lower • Venus Bay • Walkerville

Private 7043
8th Battalion
Port Arlington
His father William Robert Standfield "Ambervale" Fish Creek
Melbourne 3/11/16
Age 26 years and 7 months 6'3", 183 pounds grey eyes dark brown hair
He was wounded after being hit by a shell and suffered a broken left leg. He died on 25/8/1918.
Buried at Lone farm Cemetery 2 miles NNE of Harbonnieres and 7 miles ESE of Corbie
He must have had connection with the Woorayl Shire. He was associated with Fish Creek.
3/11/16 He enlisted
23/11/16 He embarked Melbourne on HMAT Honorata
29/1/17 He disembarked at Plymouth
3/5/17 He proceeded overseas from Folkstone
21/5/17 He joined his unit
2/3/18 He went to the Battalion Training School
23/6/18 He was sick in hospital with influenza
4/7/18 He rejoined battalion
26/7/18 He had leave in the UK and returned 15/8/18
23/8/18 He was wounded in action by a shell, and had a fractured left leg
25/8/1918 He died and was buried at Mil cemetery
Later he was buried in Lone Farm Cemetery 2 � miles NNE of �Harbonnieres�7 � miles ESE of Corbie Heath cemetery harbonnieres
6/3/19 and 12/5/19 parcels received
His effects were:- 1 pipe, 2 wallets, photos, letters, 1 purse, 1 fountain pen and case, cards, private papers, 1 metal cigarette case
The family received a notice about their grave photo stating that the surname was incorrectly spelt but it will be rectified
In his will he appointed his father as his sole executor and left his estate to him. The witnesses were R V Andreworth 2nd Lt and Lance Corporal L Arnott both of the 8th Battalion
The family received his scroll in 1921 and plaque in 1922
Place of Birth:
Next of Kin:
Date & Place of Enlistment:
Physical Details on Enlistment:
Date & Place of Death:
Location of Grave or Memorial:
Relationship to Woorayl Shire:
Military & Other History:
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