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Leongatha & District
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WIGHTMAN, Mitchell

Private 6103
Private, 37th Battalion
His Mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Wightman of Leongatha. Single man
Leongatha 30/3/1916
Age 41 years, 5'6" 11 stone 7 pounds, blue eyes, black hair
Butcher and bookkeeper
He died of wounds on 1/2/1917 at Armentieres
Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery Armentieres
The Wightman family farmed in the Shire since the early 20th Century
He attended Heyfield State School
30/3/16 He enlisted
28/7/16 He embarked Melbourne on HMAT Themistocles
30/7/16 He suffered from bronchitis on the Themistocles
* He started in the 7th Training Battalion then moved to the 37th
22/11/16 He went to France
31/1/1917 He was reported missing in action and died on 1/2/1917
He was buried in Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery Armentieres
A report stated that he was shot through the head. Stretcher-bearers got to him but the enemy opened fire and they had to leave him. They found his body the next day
His name is on the Koorooman East Honour Roll
He was a single man from Koorooman East. The Wightman property was on the Inlet Road
25/7/17 James Sutherland, solicitor, of Leongatha wrote for a death certificate
In the same letter he asked for a certificate for Pt. Edmund Percival Turner
His effects consisted of a pocket case, post cards, badges, style pen, handkerchief, school of instruction certificates
Mrs. Wightman was asked if she was the correct person to get Mitchell�s medals. H Wightman wrote on behalf of his mother stating that she is the correct person as his father is deceased. She received the medals in August 1922
15/4/17 Mrs. Wightman, mother aged 84, was granted a pension of 2 pounds per fortnight from
He left his estate to his sister Annie Caroline Wightman. His mother should receive a payment from the estate for her life. The will was made by James Sutherland
He had a nephew named in his honour. Mitchell Wightman died as a POW on Ambon in 1945.
Place of Birth:
Next of Kin:
Date & Place of Enlistment:
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Date & Place of Death:
Location of Grave or Memorial:
Relationship to Woorayl Shire:
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